I still had some soaked beans leftover from before, and had to come up with a way to use them, so I made some baked beans in the crock pot.

Here's the rundown:
- Pre-soaked pinto beans
- Chopped onions
- Chopped carrots
- Chopped celery
- Minced garlic
- Ketchup
- Brown sugar
- Soy sauce
- Worcestershire sauce (omit if you want to be vegan, it contains anchovies)
- Two tablespoons of margarine
All of this I cooked on low for about twelve hours, adding water occasionally to make sure it didn't dry out. It turned out pretty well, although if I'd saved the soaking water for the beans it would have been better and produced a thicker sauce.
Recently in the NYT food section there was a piece about rutabagas. I've never had them before, and my interest was piqued so I had to try them. They're one of those odd vegetables you usually ignore while browsing the produce section, which is a shame, because they're actually pretty tasty.
I bought two decently-sized rutabagas, which the cashier at first rang up as turnips. When I told her that they were rutabagas, she corrected the error and the price dropped by half; be attentive when you're at the register (this is always a good idea).
I peeled off the waxy skin with a sharp knife. Don't bother trying to use a peeler, it is way too hard and thick. I cut them up into one centimeter cubes, tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roasted at 400 degrees for about forty minutes. The taste was pretty similar to turnips, which I also like, but perhaps a bit starchier. Delish!
Here are both finished products, served together for lunch today: